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0.6.0 - 11/13/2000
- Updated Sheridan's ActiveToolbar control from 1.01.0010 to 2.03.0005. This seems to fix a lot of the instability problems.
- Updated Sheridan's DataWidgets Grid control from 3.11.0005 to 3.12.10.
- Updated InfoZip UNZIP.DLL from 5.40 to 5.41.
- Added InfoZip ZIP32.DLL 2.3 for ZIP functions, MUCH faster adding and deleting files to ZIP archives.
- Users can click on column headers to sort columns.
- Multiple instances of the Archive Viewer can now be loaded.
- When adding new files and the ZIP file password was entered incorrectly all password protected files failed. This has been fixed.
- Replaced crude Group Fore & Backcolors selector with Microsoft Common Dialog color selector. Colors for Blue (HiColor) color scheme have been altered.
0.5.0 - 10/6/99
- Updated OCX's.
- Minor bug fixes.
0.4.6 - 4/23/99
- Minor change to export to HTML. You can now include Long description but for now it has to be listed in another column.
- Minor bug fixes.
0.4.5 - 3/18/99
- Updated UNZIP32.DLL from version 5.32 to 5.40.
- Added a hi-color blue color scheme. Set on General Options tab in setup.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
0.4.4 - 3/12/99
- Added the ability to add image info for JPEG, GIF, PNG, and BMP images to a description. Output is completely customizable on the descriptions tab in setup.
- Added a Import Description button to the toolbar, this gets DIZ's from archives, ID3 tags from MP3's, and also descriptions from Coleco, Gameboy, Genesis and N64 ROM Images.
- If archives contained >1000 files Manage could crash or take forever to process or view - Still slow but MUCH improved.
- When selecting files using multi-select (holding mouse button down and selecting range) sometimes the file totals weren't displayed in the status bar - Fixed.
0.4.3 - 3/5/99
- Added a Export Groups menu that currently only supports exporting selected groups to a PCBoard BBS style ALLFILES list.
- Added option to virus scan extracted files on the Processing Tab in Setup.
- Manage would previously run Windows Explorer after extracting files. For some reason this sometimes caused system instability so on the Processing Tab you can now set it to Do Nothing, Run Explorer, or shell to DOS prompt after extracting files.
- To enable word-wrapping when importing descriptions set # spaces before wrapping on the Descriptions tab in setup. Word-Wrapping is also available in the description editor by clicking on a button at the top of the screen or CTRL+W. Note: If hi-bit ASC graphics are detected then no wrapping will be done.
- Assorted improvements and bug fixes.
0.4.2 - 2/18/99
- Added Color Scheme setting to General Setup. Only 3 color schemes to choose (Teal, Tan, and Gray) for now but there will be more in the future
- Manage now will Minimize to System Tray, enable/disable in General setup.
- Testing/Processing: When adding new files or testing existing files the Cancel button or <Esc> now aborts operation. Also added Cancel button to file failed messages. (Rom Racer) If archive has a serious error it will fail file and not continue processing file. Re-did how some processing is done to use less resources. BUG: Test Archive Volumes wasn't working again - fixed.
- Added Import Virus Name for Virus collectors/researchers to the Import Descriptions menu
0.4.1 - 2/15/99
- The last 3 open databases are listed on the File menu so you don't have to browse.
- If a second instance of Manage is run it will exit and pass focus to the original.
- When files fail testing they are now marked with a little red X graphic next to filename.
- Test/Process and Virus Scan: Files are now passed to the processing window 1 at a time. Previously, If too many files where tested at one time it would error out. If any files fail testing they are now displayed in the processing log when testing is complete. Get Description is now enabled when using Test/Process. (Rom Racer) Many bugs fixed.
- If you want to delete lines that have been added to DIZ's (site ads) then highlight the text in the description editor and press CTRL+R. The line will be removed from all future imports.
- Improved Folder Statistics screen a little.
- Some menu icon colors in 256 color mode weren't showing up - fixed.
- File selection bugs fixed.
0.4.0 - 2/10/99
- You can now select a range of rows by holding the left mouse button down while clicking on the starting row and releasing it when you get to the ending row of the range.
- Added Create Winamp playlist from selected MP3 files to edit menu. (Gavin Reid)
- When adding a new Group it will now ask you if you want to use 'Quick-Start' to automatically create empty folders in the Group. (Jerry) You also must enter a group name when adding a group and that name cannot be a number. This caused serious errors.
- Added some warning messages to try and guide new users along.
0.3.13 - 2/8/99
- Added more MP3 support: Added Enqueue with Winamp to the Actions menu, this will pass all selected MP3 files to WinAmp as a playlist. You can add more files at any time to the playlist using Enqueue. (Gavin Reid)
- Added Edit ID3 Tag to Edit menu for editing MP3 tag descriptions. If there is not a ID3 tag in the MP3 this will add one. An ID3 tag is a 128 bytes description added to the end of MP3's.
- Cut, Copy, and Delete options on the Edit menu are disabled if there's nothing selected, and Paste is disabled if there's nothing in the clipboard.
- Clone Full Description was missing from the Edit menu - Fixed.
- Fixed 'Permission Denied' bug in automatic backups
0.3.12 - 2/6/99
- Added Backup to new Database Utilities menu on the Database menu. If you try to open a Backup file it will ask it you would like to restore it. Also added Automatic Backups. In setup on the General Options page you can set automatic backups to: Never, Occasionally (every 12 uses) and Always.
- Added Repair to new Database Utilities menu. If something happens while the database is being updated (power loss) the database might become corrupted. This should fix it.
- When a folder is first opened Manage will check to see if the folder is online. If not, it will now not keep trying to read the drive while working on files. Makes it much easier to work on folders that are removable disks.
- When you tried to use open or play a file it wasn't working. File WAS being opened by an external program (WinZIP, WinAMP) but window was hidden. And everytime you tried to open the program another instance of the program was run so eventually you'd crash - FIXED.
- In the media summary you can rearrange columns and resize them and it will stay that way.
0.3.11 - 2/4/99
- Added Import Group to database menu. You can now import an entire group from your own or someone else's database. (Jerry) You can also import the files from a Manage Folder to the current open folder using Import Files option on the Folder menu.
- Cleaned up the Group properties screen and added help button. Possibly less confusing now? Added Default Media Type. This sets the media type for all new folders in a group.
- When entering multiple words to search for in Database Search it will now insert a AND operator between all words.
- The Label A Disk utility would start cataloging a disk - Fixed
- Fixed the tool tips from showing up in the middle of some forms.
0.3.10 - 2/2/99
- Added Media Summary to Folder menu. This lists all folders of the same media type.
- Added Compact Database to Database menu. As you delete or change data in a database, the database file can become fragmented and use more disk space than is necessary. Periodically, you can use the Compact Database option to defragment the database file. The compacted database is usually smaller and often runs faster.
- Added 2 new fields to folder properties: free space (to show on Media Summary), and Loaned to (for Jerry) on Disk Catalog page. Fixed some Catalog Disk bugs: If re-cataloging a disk it lost all the Disk Catalog info and if serial # was longer than 9 bytes it would ay field was too small...
0.3.9 - 2/1/99
- Manage can now get MP3 descriptions using the ID3 tag v1.0 & v1.1 formats. You can also customize the description layout by editing the enclosed MP3.TXT file. (Gavin Reid)
- Added a new page Catalog Info to the Folder Properties windows. It is for entering information about disks and other media. In the future you will be able to list media showing free space and this info. (Jerry)
- When cataloging new files and only Get Description is selected it will now do so without showing the test window. Faster and easier on the eyes! Also added a progress bar in the status panel to show progress of file cataloging for those large additions.
- If a folder name already existed when Cataloging a new disk it would continue and add files to the current open directory, now exits from cataloging.
0.3.8 - 1/28/99
- Added Catalog A Disk. This is a quicker way to catalog a removable disk or CD. It automatically reads the volume label, serial number, and size of media and creates a folder and adds all files on the media. * For now you can re-catalog a disk but it does not remove missing files and it uses the serial number to identify the disk, if there is no serial number it won't continue.
- Also added Label A Disk, this allows you to change or delete the volume label of a disk. You can also change the volume label by editing the volume label field in folder properties.
- Added Test Volumes to the Files|Archives menu. Allows you to select the first disk of a ARJ/RAR/ACE multi-disk volume and it will test all disks in the volume.
- Integrity testing: ZIP errors that are only warning errors now wont stop the processing. Some error flags weren't cleared, giving false messages, if next file tested was a non-archive - Fixed.
- Extracting multi-disk volumes wouldn't work for ACE archives - Fixed.
0.3.7 - 1/23/99
- Users can now define which Columns they want to display, even some not previously shown, from Columns on the View menu. Users can also now permanently change the order in which these columns are displayed by dragging a column to another position, and their width by resizing the column title.
- When deleting a Group from a database the user must now select the Group from a drop-down list. (Jerry) Fixed bugs where after deleting menu was not enabled and folder was not opening.
- When Compressing to .ZIP users can now define what the new filename(s) will be. Useful for multi-disk volumes. Also added a help button.
- Added 'Strip hi-bit ASCII characters from DIZ' to the Descriptions page in Setup.
0.3.6 - 1/20/99
- Manage now supports Subdirectories. (Jerry) If a subdirectory exists in the root directory Manage will ask "Include Subdirectories" when adding/cataloging files.
- On the General Options page in Setup you can now define file types to catalog (leave blank for all) or file types to exclude from cataloging.
- Added List of text lines to strip from DIZ's to new Descriptions page in Setup.
- Also fixed 2 bugs when adding files: Add your BBS ads didn't work if selected and Delete BBS ads wasn't and filename on processing window didn't update when adding file 1 by 1.
0.3.5 - 1/11/99 - Added several options to 'Compress to .ZIP' can specify to use only MS-DOS 8.3 filenames, add .DIZ to ZIP, and site ads from a list. (FoxFire) Removed System Info from About Screen, replaced with reg info. (Allen Balk) Many little bug fixes.
0.3.4 - 1/6/99 - 'Compress to .ZIP' on files with same filename such as multi-disk volumes would compress all disks to the same .ZIP. Manage will now add the disk # after the filename. Ex: TEST.R01 becomes TEST03.ZIP. Pasting more than 80 bytes in the description field caused an error, can now paste up to 255 (database limit) bytes anything larger use the description editor - Fixed. Add cut and paste popup menus to some text fields.
0.3.3 - 1/5/99 - Added registration splash screen - oh boy! Added 'Compress to .ZIP' which ZIP's selected file(s) and can optionally add a FILE_ID.DIZ using description. (FoxFire) In Archive viewer added Virus Scan, Test Integrity, Add/Replace Comment. When doing an action if the current file is selected because no other files are selected it will then be unselected when finished. Redid description field pop-up menu (right mouse click). Fixed a lot of minor bugs.
0.3.2 - 1/3/99 - Some non-US betas were prematurely expiring - Fixed? Added Undo & Delete to edit menu, cut & paste no longer supported on the popup-menu, use menu bar. Previous processing window sometimes didn't unload causing unpredictable results when adding files or using new Test/Process - Fixed.
0.3.1 - 12/31/98 - Can now view/set file attributes in File Properties window. Delete Site Ads by CRC value now works. ZIP Spanning multiple disks now identified, handled a little better. Added help and some improvements to Database Search. Can now add files in archive viewer by wildcards. Added Test/Process for online files.
0.3.0 - 12/29/98 - New menu control to fix GPF's and crashes, download SYSTEM.ZIP. Added Export folder to HTML file, includes frames. Uses the TEMPLATE.HTM found in the manage root directory to create. Added Remove archive comments. Read-only files couldn't be deleted-Fixed (Dennie) If deleting rows and cancel is selected screen would be locked-Fixed. Added 'Add files' and 'Delete Site Ads' in the archive viewer. Lots of help topics added.
Updates SYSTEM files to 0.3.0 (179K) - Unzip to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM (fix crashes)
0.2.5 - 12/27/98 - Can now add archive comments for ZIP, ARJ, RAR, and ACE files. Define a 'Archive comment text file' in setup to use, sample comments.txt file included in this zip. See help for more info. Cloning descriptions work more like PFED, CTRL+K in the folder or in the editor clones full description, CTRL+L clones only first line. Path button in Folder properties now works. (Dennie)
0.2.4 - 12/25/98 - Added Delete Site Ads to File menu. Bug: DOS Virus Scanners wouldn't work if Manage installation path was a long filename.
0.2.3 - 12/24/98 - Can now import Catdisk volumes. Fixed bugs within archive viewer. (wouldn't delete or run external associated programs)
0.2.2 - 12/23/98 - Re-did archive viewer again. Added some .CAB support, can only do view and extract. Following Bugs fixed: Files in work directory not deleted if some were read only -fixed, Extract Volumes didn't work -fixed , export created files with a .mdb extension -fixed. (Dennie)
0.2.1 - 12/21/98 - More bug fixes. + After entering new category, subcategory, or platform it will now ask if you want to add these to a table. Added 'volume name' to folder properties, allows you to get the volume label (click on adjacent button) from disks or enter a description such as QIC3020.
0.2.0 - 12/20/98 - First public Pre-Beta, anybody downloading the earlier version might have to download the full install again due to updated libraries. Includes many bug fixes, added 4 more search filters, started adding Help.
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Copyright © 1994 - 1999 Layton Software
Last modified: March 18, 1999