Special Offers

Get money by taking advantage of these offers and support Layton Software too!

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Switch your long distance to QWest and they will send you a check for $100. Their Long distance rates are 5.9 cents a minute, no monthly fee, online billing. So far, everything I have heard has been positive, and for $100 and 5.9 cents a minute what do you have to lose, plus they have other great deals. 

Sign Up Here!

Want $20?!? Set up an account with X.com Banking and they will deposit $20 to start you off. Here are some details:

No minimum deposit, no minimum balances, and no monthly service charges. Free checks (up to 50 per year), rebates for ATM withdrawals (up to $6.00 per month), free deposits, free transfers, free debit card, no-fee mutual funds and CD's with no minimum, and free overdraft service (upon credit approval). Plus, $20 placed in your account when you sign up here.   

And don't forget to enter my email address  glayton1@tampabay.rr.com as the person who referred you!

Money Back for Shopping Online. ebates.com

Ebates.com gives you a cash rebate for buying online at your favorite stores, like Reel.com, Barnes and Noble, Toys R Us, 800.com, Beyond.com and Borders.  Signing up takes only seconds and it's free. You still pay the same price but buy using your ebates e-mail address YOU get most of the commission for the sale of up to 25%.   (Rebates are paid every quarter if you have over $5)

You can even earn money for getting friends to join. If you join ebates.com they'll give me 10% of any rebate you earn - out of their pocket. So if you get people to join you'll get 10% of their rebates and I get a percentage too. 

And don't forget to enter my ebates name as the person who referred you!  glayton

Sign Up Here!

Join AllAdvantage.com

AllAdvantage is a Internet company that pays its members to surf the Web!  Membership is totally free and private. To earn money you agree to download a small Viewbar that appears beneath your browser.  The Viewbar delivers information about products and services available online.  You earn $.50 an hour to surf the web and $.10 an hour for each hour a referred user surfs.  And don't forget to enter my membership ID HRH110  as the person who referred you!

Sign Up Here!

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